

9월 16, 2019 - 9월 22, 2019


Alifia Putri Anantha

Title 2:
Faulty Node Detection using PSO and NBC for Wireless Sensor Networks
Target: International Conference

Title 3:
Reinforcement Learning with Edge Computing in Faulty Node Detection for Industrial IoT
Target: Summer Intensive (Short Journal)

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3:
- Changed figure 1
- Re-check the whole writings

This Week Todo's

Title 3:
- Finalize the paper
- Following the target journal’s format
- Get approval for submission

Project Progress

E-WAMS (Capstone Design 2 Class)

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Divided the task allocation
- Surveyed Google Cloud IoT and Firebase Cloud Messaging as E-WAMS' database

This Week's Project

- Create the database's high level design
- Start to work on the database

Monthly Goals

- Submit paper title 3
- Continue to work on title 2
- Learn more about machine learning and deep learning methods
- Find new trends in faulty node detection

Annual Goals

- Able to participate at least in one international conference
- Able to write at least one journal