

9월 16, 2019 - 9월 22, 2019


Paper 1: Reliable Communication Using Orbital Angular Momentum with SWIPT in Military Network, (Accepted on ICTC 2019).

Paper 2: Brownian Motion Based UAV-assisted Energy Harvesting Scheme for Internet of Battlefield Things, (IEEE Communication Letters[Not fixed]).

Paper 3: Low Latency Based UAV Communication on Internet of Battle Things: Trajectory Design and Latency Optimization[Not fixed], (Target: ICC Conference).

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1:
* Fine tune the paper and prepare for camera-ready version.
* Add JCN Journals references and correction the Abstract.

Paper 2:
* Worked on simulation of trajectory optimization.
* Complete the paper and add more references from IEE Communication Letters.

Paper 3 :
* Get the Idea to start writing a paper for ICC Conference.

This Week Todo's

Paper 1;
* Submit the camera-ready version.

Paper 2:
* Try to fine tune the paper more based on Professor suggestion and correction.

Paper 3:
* Start reading paper on Latency and Throughput optimization.
* Also start survey on UAV trajectory design along with Low Latency communication.

Project Progress

Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

* Made initial presentation and organized team members.

This Week's Project

* Make progress presentation for next class.
* Allocate the tasks to the team members and make schedule of work.
* Start preparing staffs for implementation set-up.

Monthly Goals

1. Submit the summer intensive assigned paper on suitable Journal.

2. Start another paperwork for ICC conference.

Annual Goals

-Try to submit at least one Journal.

-At least 1 International Conference papers.

-I will try to develop my skills up.

-Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible.

-I will try to learn programming language like python, C/C++.