

9월 23, 2019 - 9월 27, 2019


1. Design of Integrated Information based UAV for Autonomous Takeoff and Landing Platform Considering Ship Environment
[선박환경을 고려한 통합정보 기반의 무인기 자율이착륙 플랫폼 설계기법]

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Read Domestic Conference

[1] A real-time failure recovery method of distributed control networks for naval combat systems.
[함정 분산 제어망의 실시간 장애 복구 기법 및 성능 분석]

[2] Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks Technology for Aircraft Networks considered Radio Environment of Aircraft
[항공기 내부 전파 환경을 고려한 항공기내용 무선통신망기술 성능 분석]

[3] Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communication Technology for Reliability Wireless Communication for Aircraft
[고신뢰성 무선 항공네트워크를 위한 무선통신망 기술 성능 분석]

This Week Todo's

Research and decide Topic for my paper.

Project Progress

E-WAMS (Edge Computing-Based Wild Animals Monitoring System)

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

find the details (can refer to some papers and cite it) & the high level design/system model (how’s the architecture to its surrounding)

How to implement filter into NoIR camera (To maximize NoIR function in daylight, so that it can stream the animals clearly)

This Week's Project

Choose Webcam with the features we want.

Buy implements what we need in prototype.

Monthly Goals

Write my own paper.

Annual Goals

Try to submit a international conference