Paper 1: Reliable Communication Using Orbital Angular Momentum with SWIPT in Military Network, (Accepted on ICTC 2019).
Paper 2: Brownian Motion Based UAV-assisted Energy Harvesting Scheme for Internet of Battlefield Things, (IEEE Wireless Communication Letters).
Paper 3: Blockchain Based Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication in Industry 4.0, (Target: IEEE ICC).
Paper 2:
* Waited for correction service result
Paper 3:
* Read about blockchain and surveyed paper
* Start working on system model
Paper 1:
* Start work on Presentation on ICTC.
Paper 2:
* Survey more paper on Blockchain
* Try to start writing paper.
Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military
* Presented on Capstone design class
* Had a meeting with Professor Lee
* Select candidate for Implementation set-up.
* Meeting with Professor Lee.
* Try to simulate the DJI Phantom 3SE for controlling.
1. Submit the summer intensive assigned paper on Wireless Communication Letters Journal.
2. Start writing paper for INDIN 2020.
-Try to submit at least one Journal.
-At least 1 International Conference papers.
-I will try to develop my skills up.
-Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible.
-I will try to learn programming language like python, C/C++.