

9월 30, 2019 - 10월 6, 2019


Jae-Hyun Lee

[1] A edge computing industrial cyber-physical system for embedded low-latency machine learning

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] A edge computing industrial cyber-physical system for embedded low-latency machine learning Industry 4.0 applications
- Research on Google coral DEV board
- Research for Machine Leaning
- Research for Machine Leaning using tensor

This Week Todo's

[1] A edge computing industrial cyber-physical system for embedded low-latency machine learning Industry 4.0 applications
- Research on Google coral DEV board
- Research for Machine Leaning
- Research for Machine Leaning using tensor

Project Progress

Research on DDS and communication for industrial IOT

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1]Research on DDS and communication for industrial IOT
-a survey of relevant papers
-Write a monthly undergraduate resident report

[2]organize a team for paper conference
-check conference schedule and set team schedule
-looking for where to apply dragonfly algorithm

This Week's Project

[1]Research on DDS and communication for industrial IOT
-a survey of relevant papers
-Write a monthly undergraduate resident report

[2]organize a team for paper conference
-check conference schedule and set team schedule
-looking for where to apply dragonfly algorithm

Monthly Goals

Submit abstract for paper conference

Annual Goals