

10월 1, 2019 - 10월 7, 2019


Title 1: Leverage of Transmission Power on Network Performance in Flying Ad-Hoc Network Scenario (KICS SUMMER 2019)

Title 2: UAV Assisted Airborne Surveillance for Post Disaster Area

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: UAV Assisted Airborne Surveillance for Post Disaster Area

- re-edited contribution in the introduction
- re-edited Simulation results
- revised abstract
- revised conclusion
- added references
- checked grammar
- changed figure of simulations 4 and 5

This Week Todo's

- finalize the paper

- prepare graduation exam
- try to understand the paper :
Design and Deployment of UAV-Aided Post-Disaster Emergency Network

Project Progress

Drone project, 3D printing project

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Drone project

-found literature of UAV communications
-tried to read the drone simulation platform from hanyang university

This Week's Project

3D printing project

- meeting with the company

Monthly Goals

-Able to make the simulation of NS-3 and ROS2

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal