

10월 1, 2019 - 10월 7, 2019


Paper survey related on my own paper

[1] Design of Integrated Information based UAV for Autonomous Takeoff and Landing Platform Considering Ship Environment
(선박환경을 고려한 통합정보 기반의 무인기 자율이착륙 플랫폼 설계기법)

[2]Design and Realization of Distributed Real-time Message Management Scheme for Naval Combat System
Development Tool
(함정 전투 시스템 개발 툴을 위한 분산 실시간 메시지 관리 기법 설계 및 구현)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Read Domestic conference
[1]Design of Integrated Information based UAV for Autonomous Takeoff and Landing Platform Considering Ship Environment
[선박환경을 고려한 통합정보 기반의 무인기 자율이착륙 플랫폼 설계기법]

Decide the title of a paper for KICS

This Week Todo's

Read Domestic conference

write summary of paper

Project Progress

E-WAMS (Edge Computing-Based Wild Animals Monitoring System)

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Choose Webcam with the features we want.

Buy implements what we need in prototype.

This Week's Project

buy implements

Monthly Goals

Write my own paper.

Annual Goals

Try to submit a international conference