

10월 8, 2019 - 10월 14, 2019


Danielle Jaye Agron

Title 1: Monarch Butterfly Optimazation on DV based Positioning in Indoor Industrial Environment

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Writing of Introduction
- Reading Related Literature
- Running Simulation

This Week Todo's

-Writing Introduction
-System model
-Simulation execution

Project Progress

Fuzzy logic based 3D printer Inspector in Large-Scale Manufacturing Environment

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Survey paper for the feasibility of the project
- Accumulate drawbacks from the exisiting devices on the market
- Meeting with the company

This Week's Project

- Survey paper for the feasibility of the project
- Accumulate appropriate sensor
- Meeting with the groupmates

Monthly Goals

- I will try to develop my basics on some specific topics based on my research area.
- Simulate and give results to the selected research topic
- Write and submit a paper for KICS-2019
- I will try to complete assigned paper on given time

Annual Goals

-I will try to submit at least 1 International conference and 1 Journal.
-I will try to develop skills in simulation