[1] Design of UAV and Smart Buoy for Edge Computing based Border Intrusion Detection Systems
[엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 국경 침입 감지 시스템을 위한 UAV 및 스마트 부표 설계]
[1] Design of UAV and Smart Buoy for Edge Computing based Border Intrusion Detection Systems
[엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 국경 침입 감지 시스템을 위한 UAV 및 스마트 부표 설계]
- Research the skills needed in my paper.
- Complete paper
[1] Design of UAV and Smart Buoy for Edge Computing based Border Intrusion Detection Systems
[엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 국경 침입 감지 시스템을 위한 UAV 및 스마트 부표 설계]
- Trim my paper a little more professionally
- Think and Research about the technical content I want to it.
E-WAMS (Edge Computing-Based Wild Animals Monitoring System)
- Buy implements what we need in our project.
- write Korean Proposal
- Complete Korean Proposal
- Find the references on free domain
we might use free domain for our web server (prototype) and find scenario for real implementation later
Write my own paper.
Try to submit a international conference