Title 1: Energy Saving MAC Protocol for UAV-assisted Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Target: Not decided yet.
Title 2: Reliable Fog Computing for Industrial Internet of Things: Key Challenges and Solutions.
Target: IETE Technical Review.
Title 3: IoT-based Adaptive Network Mechanism for Reliable Smart Farm System
Target: Computers and electronics in agriculture.
Title 4: Deep-reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Optimization in Edge-based Traffic Control System.
Target: Future generation computer systems
Title 1:
Finished some parts of the simulation.
Obtained some simulation results.
Wrote the abstract.
Added two obtained simulation results.
Title 2:
Waiting for the review results.
Title 3:
Waiting for the review results.
Title 4:
Submitted to the Future generation computer systems journal.
Title 1:
Write the system models.
Create a figure for system models.
Continue to work on the simulation.
Title 2:
Waiting for the review results.
Title 3:
Waiting for the review results.
Title 4:
Waiting for the review results.
Discussed with Philip regarding the implementation of OpenWRT on the Raspberry pi.
Try to implement OpenWRT library on the Raspberry Pi.
Try to implement OLSR packages of OpenWRT.
- Learn the reinforcement learning theory.
- Practice the reinforcement learning algorithm.
- Read a recently published paper related to UAV-Edge.
_ 2 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.