* Title 1: SEAZOR: A Robust Privacy-Preserving Secure Anonymous Zone Routing in Military Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
o NS-3 study for implementation the algorithms: Set up the simple network with two nodes communications, then set up the proposed algorithm for nodes to perform in different scenarios.
* Title 2: Interference-Aware Opportunistic Routing Using Geometry Approach in Cognitive Radio Networks
o Building the geometric constructions and properties (in progress)
o NS-3 study for interference performance (in progress)
* Title 1: (Which part you’ve done in last week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Installed the NS-3 and NetAnim for setting the network animation. This is really useful for obtaining the data for plotting.
* Title 2: (Which part you’ve done in last week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Geometric constructions (in progress)
2. Comments of Professor: Keep trying to do them.
* Title 1: (What are you going to do during this week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Study how to set up the class of functions for a node; (in progress)
2. How to set up the node’s functions with the proposed algorithm;
3. How to set up the network environment for simulation.
4. How about parameters involved?
* Title 2: (What are you going to do during this week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Building problem formulation-geometric constructions (in progress).
2. NS-3 study for interference performance (in progress)
3. Matlab simulation for path loss exponent in terms of network environment (in progress).
Waiting for next tasks.
Try to accomplish the targets during this month.
- Milcom and another one for two papers.