

10월 29, 2019 - 11월 4, 2019


Title 1:
Enhanced Faulty Node Detection using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed System (Journal of Communication and Networks) (S) (Status: ED immediate Decision)

Title 2:
Deep-reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Optimization in Edge-based Traffic Control System
(Target Journal: ELSEVIER Future Generation Computer Systems) (S) (Status: Under review)

Title 3:
Resource Allocation using Multi-level Edge Computing Network for Industrial Internet of Things (Conference)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Learn some new schemes of fault node detection for IIoT.

Title 2:
Learn how can use the UAV in smart transportation system.
Learn how to combine some edge node to the smart transportation system that using the partitioning mechanism for resource allocation of edge node.

Title 3:
Found the simulation that related to proposed system.
Try to code modify the existing simulation code.
Illustrate the system model that will use for formulate problem formulation.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Learn some new schemes of fault node detection for IIoT.

Title 2:
Learn how can use the UAV in smart transportation system.
Learn how to combine some edge node to the smart transportation system that using the partitioning mechanism for resource allocation of edge node.

Title 3:
Read more paper about resource allocation.
Illustrate and write the introduction, system model, problem formulation, and proposed system.
Try to obtain 1 figure from simulation code.

Project Progress

Project 1: 3D printing, Project 2: Website management

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

project 1:
Search about the BJJCZ board controller datasheet.
Search the a simple test-bed of laser fiber machine using arduino and galvos.

project 2:
Add new profile of Post-doctoral member of NSL.

This Week's Project

Waiting new task from Dr. Kim.

Monthly Goals

Reinforcement learning algorithm.

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in a domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in international conference and journal