

11월 3, 2019 - 11월 9, 2019


Title 01: Deep Reinforcement Learning based Task Offloading scheme in Edge Computing for IIoT [ELSEVIER:Future Generation Computer Systems]

Title 02:Latency-Aware Task Scheduling Scheme for Edge Computing [not fixed]

Title 03:Performance Evaluation of Delay-Aware Scalable Network using OPNET MODELER

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
sent to correction service

Title 02:
still surveying different papers

Title 03:
enhance it according to professors guideline

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
ready to submit this week

Title 02:
try to finalize a system model and problem formulation for the simulation
Title 03:
enhance it according to professors guideline

Project Progress

Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

-we will divide our tasks into 2 groups test-bed and simulation
- we started the task according to the team leaders instructions
-we are waiting for the UAVs to arrive

This Week's Project

-choose an UAV with some specification and we are waiting to arrive them
-surveying papers about different routing protocols of FANET
-surveying papers with mesh network with UAVs for disaster or military areas.

Monthly Goals

- Finalize the paper title:3
- simulate for paper 3 and start writing that paper

Annual Goals

-I will try to submit at least 1 International conference and 1 Journal.

-I will try to develop my skills up