

11월 12, 2019 - 11월 18, 2019


Title 1: *Working on a paper title about factory automation and quality assessment using deep learning and computer vision for ETFA 2020

2% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Survey journal about the latest trends on factory automation
- Survey on the dataset that can be used for the deep learning simulation

This Week Todo's

- Find a target system for the proposed new paper
- Read and survey related paper about the topic

Project Progress

3D printer Inspector in Large-Scale Manufacturing Environment

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

> Working side-by-side with Chi Yun about building the monitoring software for Conception Project
> Fulfilling the request from the company: LabVIEW-based program, currently working with two sensors and GUI

This Week's Project

> Integrating the sensor monitoring program in LabVIEW
> Continue to study about the programming language

Monthly Goals

- Present on KICS Fall 2019
- Write another topic for the future conferences
- Finish the requirements for the Conception Project

Annual Goals

- Extend the written papers into a Journal Paper
- Write a new topic for the Q1 conferences
- Finish the winter intensive paper on time