

11월 26, 2019 - 12월 2, 2019


Title 1: UAV Assisted Airborne Exigency Network for Post Disaster Area

Title 2: UAV Assisted Search and Rescue for Disaster Management

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: UAV Assisted Airborne Exigency Network for Post Disaster Area
- Edited Contribution
- Revised fig 4 and 5
- Added parameter in table 1
- tried to change data rates and other parameters on the simulation

Title 2: UAV Assisted Search and Rescue for Disaster Management
- tried to find COAP in python
- edited contribution

This Week Todo's

Title 1: UAV Assisted Airborne Exigency Network for Post Disaster Area
- Revise some words
- Add 1 reference
- Check the grammar
- Conclude this paper

Title 2: UAV Assisted Search and Rescue for Disaster Management
- Read the paper related with COAP and MQTT
- Try to understand txThings (COAP in python)

Project Progress

3D printing, Drone project

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

3D printing

- learned how to operate CURA

This Week's Project

3D printing

- find open source code of 3D printing software

Monthly Goals

-Able to make the simulation of MQTT and ROS2

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal