

12월 2, 2019 - 12월 8, 2019


Title 1: Fire Disaster Notification Management(FDNM) for Military Storage and Supply Operation Centers
Accepted: ICTC Conference,2019.

Title 2: Delay-aware Computation Offloading Based-on Task Segmentation for IIoT System
Accepted: KICS fall Conference,2019.

Title 3: Optimal Relay Selection Scheme for Mobile-Fog Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems.
Target: Not fixed

36% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
[2].Waiting for paper publication

Title 2
[1].Waiting for paper publication

Title 3
[1].Read research articles on edge computing and time-varying IIoT
-Investigation mobility models
[2].Final-tuned the title
[3].Started an abstract
[4].Started conceptualizing a system model.

This Week Todo's

Title 1
[2].Waiting for paper publication

Title 2
[1].Waiting for paper publication

Title 3
[1].Read research articles on edge computing, time-varying IIoT deep learning in mobility management.
-Investigation mobility models
-Started and abstract
-Investigating algorithms to be used
[2].Starting an Introduction
[3].Continue with system model conceptualization .

Project Progress

E-WAMS (Capstone design class), Anti-Drone

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1].Finalizing hardware implementation.
-Completed sensing part

[1].To continue with the Literature review on modulation classification
[2].Continue with Deep learning and optimization online courses
[2].Present my research progress to anti-drone team members

This Week's Project

[1].Finalizing hardware implementation.
-Integrating project session to complete the project

[1].To continue with the Literature review on modulation classification
[2].To Continue with Deep learning and optimization online courses
[2].Proposing research title to a project Instructor.

Monthly Goals

[1].To master as many MATLAB communication,deep learning and optimization toolboxes.
[3].To finish Deep learning and optimization online courses

Annual Goals

[1].To submit at least one paper to SCI journal
[2].Attend international and domestic conferences recommended by NSL
[3].Acquiring knowledge and skills of NSL technical tools