

3월 10, 2014 - 3월 16, 2014


D.-S. Kim and S. K. Huh "Distributed Contol Networks of Naval Combat Systems(함정 전투 시스템의 분산제어통신망 기술)", 한국정보통신학회지, Vol.13, No.2, pp.41-47, 2013.

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Find paper for seminar about my paper
Prepare seminar
Study for L2/L3 switch

This Week Todo's

Modify wrong sentence of my paper
Study for L2/L3 switch

Project Progress

Samsung Thales project for performance evaluation of L2/L3 Switch

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

Study for L2/L3 switch
Study for STP algorithm

This Week's Project

Study for L2/L3 switch
Study for STP algorithm
Study for PColP for VM ware
Prepare meeting of project

Monthly Goals

Try to submit to domestic conference

Annual Goals

Make a good thesis paper
Make a good goal of Samsung-Thales project
Make a good English skill