

12월 10, 2019 - 12월 16, 2019


Additive Manufacturing Visual Monitoring System using Machine Learning Algorithms (Proposed/Tentative Title)

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper Survey

This Week Todo's

- Paper Survey
- Survey for simulation tools

Project Progress

Development of Monitoring System for 3D Printer

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Create GUI proposal
- Connect Camera in LabVIEW program

This Week's Project

- Start wtiting the Journal Paper for the project
- Survey Paper for possible integration if Machine Learning in achieving the objectives of this project

Monthly Goals

- Create new title up to system architecture for new paper
- Continue paper “UAV-related” to a journal for winter intensive

Annual Goals

- Attend Q1 conference
- Creae more paper
- Finish the laboratory project