

12월 24, 2019 - 12월 30, 2019


Title 1:
Bio-Inspired UAV random movement for surveillance mission (IEEE communication letter)

Title 2:
Anti-Drone development to predict next position of enemies UAVs.(long pages journal paper)

Title 3:
Load balancing in Software-Defined Disaster Area Multi-UAVs Communication Networks (international conference)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
got revision from correction service
Title 2:
received a suggestion title from Prof lee.
read paper for detection movement using LSTM

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
do revision based on correction service suggestion and submit to IEEE communication letter within this week

Title 2:
try to make a 3D plot brownian motion with matlab

Title 3:
Try to resolve and finish the paper ---> analyze simulator for perform UAV load balancing
Try to find proper simulator to get the analysis result

Project Progress

Project 1: Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military,Project 2: Website responsibility (International Journal)

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1:
Learn NS3 with target moving node

This Week's Project

Project 1:
Learn NS3 with target moving node,
Try to find a way to connect between NS3 into a real drone

Monthly Goals

understanding a random movement for UAV
understanding NS3 and mininet-wifi

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in the domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal.