

1월 13, 2020 - 1월 19, 2020


Rizki Rivai Ginanjar

Title 1: Rounding Modulation for Transparent Data Hiding Scheme in Audio Signal

Title 2: Low Complexity ELM-Based Real-Time Node Localization: UAV Approach

Title 3: Autoencoder for Low-Complexity CSI Reconstruction in Cellular Network

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
-Write the response to the decision letter of the paper based on the comments from the previous journal (IEEE/ACM TASLP)

Title 2
-Finishing the second section

Title 3
-Submitted to IEEE Communication Letter (By Heidy)

This Week Todo's

Title 1
-Write the response to the decision letter of the paper based on the comments from the previous journal (IEEE/ACM TASLP)

Title 2
-Adding figures

Title 3
-Waiting for the decision from IEEE Communication Letter

Project Progress

Website management

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

`Checking errors on NSL homepage

This Week's Project

Checking errors on NSL homepage

Monthly Goals

Finishing all the journals

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one international SCI Journal
-Able to write at least one international conference
-Able to write at least one domestic conference