Alifia Putri Anantha
Title 1:
Reducing Faulty Node Detection Delay in Industrial Internet of Things
Submitted to: KICS Summer 2019
Title 2:
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Edge Computing in Faulty-Node Detection for Industrial Internet of Things
Submitted to: Elsevier Manufacturing Letters
Title 3:
Edge Computing Based Anomaly Detection Using NBC for Industrial WSN
Target: KICS Winter 2020
Title 4:
A Machine Learning Approach for Network Intrusion Detection Based on NSL-KDD Dataset
Target: Winter Intensive
Title 2:
- Status: Reviewer Invited
Title 3:
- Done the simulation
- Grammar and similarity check
Title 4:
- Added Figure 1
- Fine-tuned the abstract
- Determined the target system or environment for the detection scheme
Title 2:
- Status: Reviewer Invited
Title 3:
- Submit after getting approval
Title 4:
- Read more references related to network intrusion detection
- Write ‘Intrusion Detection Method’ section
- Determine the fix number of training set and test set
IoT Platform (Smart Farm)
Task has not been assigned yet
Task has not been assigned yet
- Write a complete system design for Title 4
- Finish the simulation code for Title 4 if possible
- Able to write a new paper for international conference
- Find some new trends in faulty node or anomaly detection
- Able to participate at least in one international conference
- Able to write and submit at least one journal