

1월 13, 2020 - 1월 19, 2020


Title 1: Selecting Gaussian Process Regression Kernels for the Evaluation of MIMO Configuration for B5G Network
1. Rejected IEEE Communication Letters
2. Re-submitted to ICT Express( Under Review)

Title 2: Delay Aware and Scalable Ethernet Network for Indoor Environment
KICS 2020 Winter Conference. ( Co work with Sajjad and Minhui)

Title 3:Towards Machine Learning Based Analysis of Quality of User Experience (QoUE)
Target: Extended version of ICAIIC 2020 (JAPAN), Extended Version (International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing) (Co work with Sajjad).

Title 4: MillimeterWave Base Station Deployment Beyond 5G using Manhattan type Geometry for Efficient Obstacle Avoidance (Not fixed)
Target: ICUFN 2020 fast Track to Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN).

66% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

1. Under Review

Title 2:
1. Submitted.

Title 3:

1. Conference Version Accepted
2. Conference paper registered and presentation and poster to be done.
2. Extended version accepted with major revision.

Title 4: Topic submitted for WINTER INTENSIVE

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

1. Under Review

Title 2:
1. Under Review

Title 3:

1. Conference Version Accepted
2. Corrections based on review effected
3. Fix review problems and to submit for English correction service.

Title 4: Topic submitted for WINTER INTENSIVE
1. Complete draft and Abstract.
2. Suspend to focus on Title 3.

Project Progress

IoT Applications and NSL International conference/Journal section

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Expecting more information and instruction on IoT Applications Project from professor.
2.Continue to support new lab members on the use of OPNET Modeler and help install in their various Computers
3. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
4. Call first meeting with project members in IoT Applications
5. Any other assignment from time to time

This Week's Project

1. Expecting IoT Applications Project tea members to submit research works for review.
2.Continue to support new lab members on the use of OPNET Modeler and help install in their various Computers
3. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
4. Call first meeting with project members in IoT Applications
5. Any other assignment from time to time

Monthly Goals

1. Continue researching and helping NSL members on the use of OPNET
2 Complete Title 3 for journal submission
3. Complete draft work of title 4 for review comments from NSL lab members and Prof.
4.Complete MATLAB coding for title 4.
Winter Intensive Dates
January: Complete Introduction and Related Works.
February: Complete all Simulations and Systems Model
March : Complete the full paper, submit for English Correction, receive Professor final decision and permission to submit.

Annual Goals

1.Attend or submit at least two International Conferences: IEEE- ETFA 2020 , ICUFN 2020, ICAIIC 2020, INDIN 2020, IEEE-ICPS 2020, WFCS 2020
2.Attend or submit to all domestic conferences approved by the NSL: KICS Winter 2020
3.Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters
IEEE Communication Letters
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
ICT Express
Journal of communications and Networks (JCN).