

1월 20, 2020 - 1월 26, 2020


Title 1
Dual Fieldbus Industrial IoT Networks using Edge Server Architecture
(Rejected from IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics) Elsevier Manufacturing Letter

Title 2
Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Edge Computing With Blockchain Architecture for Security System
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC)

Title 3
Semi-Supervised Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks for Limited Dataset Based on Edge Computing With Blockchain Architecture
Extended Journal version of ICAIIC paper

Title 4
Implementation of Edge Server-enabled Industrial IoT using Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS)
Winter Intensive Paper (ICT Express)

Title 5
Oxygen Level Monitoring and Controlling for Metal 3D Printing
For 3D Printing Project (Use later)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
- Current status: Under Review (15 December 2019)

Title 2
- Submitted the Camera-ready version.
- Asking about invitation letter.
- Preparing documents for making Japan Visa.

Title 4
- Add database based on blockchain architecture figure.
- Add explanation about the blockchain-based architecture database.
- Finishing the database code by this week.

Title 5
- Finishing the simulation section.
- Re-check for the readability and plagiarism of the paper.
- Submit the paper within this week.

This Week Todo's

Title 1
- Major revision (17 December 2019)
- Working on revision based on review comments.
- Finishing the revision within this week.

Title 2
- Making visa this week.

Title 4
- Add one paragraph in introduction section.
- Add explanation about the encryption method.
- Finishing the blockchain structure combined with VMD codes this week.
- Then, combines it with the database.

Project Progress

MMS for Industrial IoT, E-WAMS: Edge Computing-based Wild Animal Monitoring System (Capstone Design Class), 3D Printing Conception Company, and International Conference Section

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Upload the code and tutorial to girhub repository.

3D Printing
- Finishing review about RTC 4.
- Focus on making the slicing software part.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

This Week's Project

3D Printing
- Focus on making the slicing software part.
- Try open source slicing software that available in github.
- Connect CURA with BJCZ hardware.
- Change EZCAD logo and opening screen.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

Monthly Goals

- Make Blockchain architecture in Industrial IoT platform.
- Use Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to duplicate images for making dataset.
- Combines Semi-Supervised and Deep Convolutional for GAN algorithm.
- Combines MMS with Edge Computing architecture.
- Combines VMD with Blockchain architecture.
- Success integrating edge computing and blockchain architecture.
- Apply Hello AI World under NVDIA TensorRT.
- Understand about slicing method in 3D printing.

Annual Goals

- Able to submit and take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to submit and take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.