

1월 28, 2020 - 2월 3, 2020


Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
VLC-UWB Hybrid (VUH) Network for Indoor Industrial Robots at Military Warehouses / Distribution Centers (published) ICTC 2019.

Title 2:
NFC Pure Wallet (PW): An Offline and Real-time Blockchain transaction Architecture. (Pr) IEEE Communication Magazine.

Title 3:
A Low Latency VUH (VLC-UWB Hybrid) Network for Logistics Center Mobile Robots (Winter intensive).

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3

1) continued making journal version of thesis.
2) reading related papers

This Week Todo's

Title 3

1) Complete Journal version of my thesis
2) personal review to access readability

Project Progress

3D printing project

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) reading materials about the project.

This Week's Project

1) Continued reading materials about the project.
2) installing necessary software applications on my pc.

Monthly Goals

Make substantial progress in titles 1 and 2.

Annual Goals

Annual goals

1) two international journal paper.
2) one international conference.