Title 1: Optimal Relay Selection Scheme for Mobile-Fog Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems.
Target: Not fixed
Title 2: Leveraging Deep ConvNet for Low complexity and Robust Modulation Recognition
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
[1]. Literature review on low complexity and robustness in AMR.
[2]. Model simulation and parameter tuning
[1]. To Finalize model tuning
[2]. Finalize writing on the system model
[1].Literature review.
[2].System model and simulation.
[1]. Continue with the Literature review.
[2]. Model's parameter tuning.
[1]. To master as many MATLAB communication, deep learning and optimization toolboxes.
[2]. To finish the winter intensive paper
[1]. To submit at least one paper to SCI journal
[2]. Attend international and domestic conferences recommended by NSL
[3]. Acquiring knowledge and skills of NSL technical tools