

3월 3, 2020 - 3월 9, 2020


Paper 1: Reliable Communication Using Orbital Angular Momentum with SWIPT in Military Network, (Accepted on ICTC 2019).

Paper 2: Brownian Motion Based UAV-assisted Energy Harvesting Scheme for Internet of Battlefield Things, (IEEE Communication Letters).

Paper 3: Blockchain Based Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication in Industry 4.0, (Target: INDIN).

Paper 4: Development of Routing Protocol in UAV Network for Military Environment, [Winter Intensive] (Target: Not Fixed)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 2:
* Fine tuned and checked for grammatical errors

Paper 3:
* Wrote the conclusion part
* Checked again for any grammatical errors

Paper 4:
* Continued simulation on Matlab
* Set up the drone for flight testing

This Week Todo's

Paper 2:
* Discuss with professor prior to submit
* Revised again for submission

Paper 3:
* Continue on simulation for better result
* Revised the paper for writing mistake.

Project Progress

Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

*Worked on gyrometer of Pixhawk
* Continued working on simulation of different waypoint datasets

This Week's Project

* Keep working on Pixhawk gyrometer
* Continue simulation with different waypoint dataset.

Monthly Goals

1. Submit the rejected journal paper.

2. Write the Journal paper of winter intensive

Annual Goals

* Try to submit at least one Journal.

* At least 1 International Conference papers.

* Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible.

* I will try to learn programming language like python, C/C++.