

3월 23, 2020 - 3월 29, 2020


Title 1:

Real-time Optimization in Energy Profiles and End-to-end Delay In WSNs for Industrial Internet of Things Applications.

Target Journal: IEEE Sensors Journal (submitted).

Title 2:

Energy Efficient and Throughput-aware Relay selection Scheme for Industrial WSN (Pr):
Target Journal: Industrial informatics (Resubmission programmed for winter intensive)

Target Journal: IET Communications Journal (In progress for resubmission)

Title 3:

Energy-Aware Two-Tier Model For Edge-assisted WSN-IoT Environment Using Machine Learning

Target Journal:IEEE Internet of Things Journal (finished, awaiting prof's approval for submission)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

-Submitted and awaiting review comments

Title 2:

- Trim content and re-structure paper presentation
- Begin the implementation on findings as per reviewers comments.
- Fixing readability issues
- Redraw diagrams

Title 3:

-Finished and awaiting prof's approval for submission.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

- Check for review comments.

Title 2:

- Trim content and re-structure paper presentation
- Begin the implementation on findings as per reviewers comments.
- Fixing readability issues
- Redraw diagrams

Title 3:

-Submit to journal

Project Progress


25% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Build a private server using a raspberry pi to manage the communication between using raspberry pis
- Draft proposal for IoT project

This Week's Project

- Begin researching on how to carry out implementation.
- Research on feasible implementation projects for IoT.

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals

- Publish 3 Journal papers