

4월 6, 2020 - 4월 12, 2020


Title 1
Dual Fieldbus Industrial IoT Networks using Edge Server Architecture
(Rejected from IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics) Elsevier Manufacturing Letter

Title 2
A Secure M2M Communication of Industrial IoT using Blockchain and Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS)
Winter Intensive Paper (Elsevier Information Processing Letters)

Title 3
An Event Detection Application based on 1D CNN for M2M MMS over Blockchain (MoB) Communication
For Graduation Thesis

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
- Status: With Editor.

Title 2
- Change the title.
- Working with the performance evaluation section.
- Finish the security result which overcome single point of failure in MQTT and replay attack in conventional MMS.
- Continue working on other results.

Title 3
- A continuation from winter intensive by making an event detection application based on 1D CNN.

This Week Todo's

Title 1
- Status: Decision Pending. (30 March 2020)

Title 2
- Finish the transmission time against the number of payloads for both frameworks section.
- Continue on conclusion and future works.
- Check the readability of the paper.
- Finish the paper by this week.

Title 3
- Change the system design of clients with MMS over Blockchain. The clients not directly connected with the MMS server, but only with the Blockchain network.

Project Progress

MMS for Industrial IoT, E-WAMS: Edge Computing-based Wild Animal Monitoring System (Capstone Design Class), 3D Printing Conception Company, and International Conference Section

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

3D Printing
- Focus on monitoring team.
- Send data from ultrasonic sensor in Arduino to LAbView through serial communication.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

This Week's Project

3D Printing
- Successfully combined the codes of the sensors and LabView 2018 using VISA.
- Make a GUI of the attached sensors and the connection status of the printer and PC in the LabView 2018.
- Got the EZCAD3 SDK, continue in analyzing the source codes and made our own software.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

Monthly Goals

- Finish the winter intensive and submit the chosen journal.
- Find a suitable method for event detection.
- Successfully connect the sensor (Arduino) to LabView through serial communication.
- Make a good UI consists of many sensors and the connection status of the 3D Printing.

Annual Goals

- Able to submit and take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to submit and take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.