

4월 13, 2020 - 4월 19, 2020


Application of Deep Convolution Neural Network in Edge Computing for IIOT

2% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Set up Pc and installed important tools
- Started training session
- Reading 2 research paper
Paper1: Mobile-Edge-Computing-Based Hierarchical Machine Learning Tasks Distribution for IIoT
Paper2: SurfCNN: A Descriptor Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for Image-Based Indoor
- Completed Introductory slides

This Week Todo's

- Finalize a title for research paper
- Finishing training session
- Reading 2 more research paper and working on topic
- Presenting Introductory Slides for seminar

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Presented slides on Capstone Design
- Learning protocols and understanding hardware testbed systems
- Attending on slide presentation

This Week's Project

- Attending Tuesday meeting
- Learning MQTT protocol briefly

Monthly Goals

- Finalize a title and starting writing introduction and abstract in Latex
- Learning more about research areas
- Attending seminars
- Working on hardware test bed briefly on IoT Application project

Annual Goals

- Trying to complete short journal paper
- Participating Conference