

3월 11, 2013 - 3월 17, 2013


Discovery Protocol for Data Distribution Service in Naval Warships using Extended Counting Bloom Filters (under review)

Discovery Protocol for DDS (15%)

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Research about,
New reference regarding DDS in large scale system
Read several papers

Tried to find workload and parameter of large-scale network for simulation

This Week Todo's

Further investigate workload and parameter of large-scale network for simulation
and try to set up the simulation using either openDDS or openSplice DDS

Project Progress


92% Progress
Last Week's Project

Debugging the combined code


This Week's Project

Try to find the bug more, so it can be released with less bug, at least deletion part is finished

Monthly Goals

Simulation already begun

Problem formulation can be defined clearly

finish abstract, introduction, related work,
Chapter 1, 2, 3 of thesis

Annual Goals