

4월 13, 2020 - 4월 19, 2020


Distributed Attack Detection in Cloud Layer for IIoT Based on Machine Learning Approach

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Read survey paper about attack detection in IIoT
2. Read applicable algorithm in attack detection topics
3. Start working on developing idea in introduction

This Week Todo's

1. Finalized Introduction
2. Research Random Forest algorithm implementation
3. Evaluated related search topics results

Project Progress

Capstone Design: IoT Application for Smart Home

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Finalize on the choice of hardware for testbed
2. Finalize on the choice of protocols.

This Week's Project

1. Design system model with MQTT protocol
2. Preparing the hardware parts

Monthly Goals

1. Continue paper progress: 70%
2. Getting used with research tools and environment
3. More research references

Annual Goals

1. Publish 1 short-paper/journal
2. Participate in local/international conference