

4월 13, 2020 - 4월 19, 2020


Paper research Title 1:
Enhanced Faulty Node Detection using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed System (Journal of Communication and Networks) (S) (Status: ED immediate Decision)

Title 2:
Deep-reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Optimization in Edge-based Traffic Control System
(Summer Intensive) (Rejected: ELSEVIER Future Generation Computer Systems) --> In revision (Target journal: ELSEVIER Computer and Electricals Engineering)

Title 3:
UAV-assisted Real-time Data Processing using Deep Q-Network for Industrial Internet of Things(ICAIIC) (S)

Title 4: Edge Computing Enabled Traffic Prediction using Fraction of Connected Vehicle (Winter Intensive)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2:
Revised the related work.
Added simulation results, which are accuracy and delay time of TLCS.
Added sentences that the result can be used in the real environment.

Title 4:
- Added one figure of mobility vehicle result in the edge node with speed metric.
- Added comparison method, which will be compared with proposed system.

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
Reduce the explanation of the traffic light system.
Add more explanation of traffic light system optimization using deep reinforcement learning.
Check and correct the whole section before submitting it.
Submit the paper.

Title 4:
- Add comparison result.
- Finish the performance evaluation and conclusion.
- Edit the introduction and recheck the overall contents.

Project Progress

Project 1: 3D printing, Project 2: Website management

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1:
made a connection between server and client application through python OPC UA.

Project 2:
Added some contents of the international conference on the new website.

This Week's Project

Project 1:
Study and implement the OPC UA that available in the LabView.

Project 2:
Added some contents of the international conference on the new website.

Monthly Goals

Make and Simulate the road network using SUMO that integrated with OMNET++.

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in a domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in international conference and journal.