

4월 13, 2020 - 4월 19, 2020


Williams Paul

Title 1:
Proactive Channel Estimation of DF Joint Relaying with MIMO-Ultrawideband for WUSNs. (Winter-Intensive)

Title 2:

Title 3:
Real-time Remodeling of Unrecoverable Critical-Data in MIL-STD-1553 Avionic Network for Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT). (2020 IEEE-ETFA Conference)

Title 4:
Communication Handover for Multi-Dimensional UAVs in ROI using MIMO-Ultrawideband (ICAIIC 2020)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
1. Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Geoinformatics, but was advised to submit elsewhere.
2. Later submitted to IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing, but was advised to submit elsewhere as well.
3. Finally submitted to IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems and awaiting review comments.

Title 2:
[1]. Revising the paper's readability.
[2]. Working on system model and proposed techniques.
[3]. Commencing Simulation works for the paper.

Title 3:
[1]. Re-Working the system model and proposed techniques.
[2]. Continuous Simulation works on the paper is on-going.

Title 4:
[1]. Awaiting paper Publication notifications.

NSL Activities:
[1]. Re-visiting the NSL website and updating the papers and website information.
[2]. Training of New NSL members and re-training of the existing NSL members.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
1. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems and awaiting review comments.
2. Currently under peer review.

Title 2:
[1]. Revising the paper's readability.
[2]. Working on system model and proposed techniques.
[3]. Commencing Simulation works for the paper.

Title 3:
[1]. Re-Working the system model and proposed techniques.
[2]. Continuous Simulation works on the paper is on-going.

Title 4:
[1]. Awaiting paper Publication notifications.

NSL Activities:
[1]. To continue to re-visit the NSL website and updating the papers and website information.
[2]. To continue to train the New NSL members and to re-train the existing NSL members.

Project Progress

E-WAMS (W-MERCI Extension) and TL works

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1]. To email the Teams in Nigeria (FUTA) and Uganda (MUSB) and share the files with them.
[2]. To commence requirement analysis for the purpose of project deployment as suggested by Prof. Lee.
[3]. To also facilitate formation of teams and co-working with them based on their requirement analysis.

Team Leadership works:
[1] Continuous investigations on the pending paper works that requires re-works and completion.
[2] Assignment of paper paper works to NSL members for target journal re-submission.
[3] Re-work of a few more papers for re-submission.

This Week's Project

[1]. Reminder email was sent and response was received. We are awaiting the signed documents from Uganda (MUSB).
[2]. To commence requirement analysis for the purpose of project deployment as soon as documents are received.
[3]. Yet to receive the written proposal documents for the project from Prof. Lee as promised.

Team Leadership works:
[1] Continuous investigations on the pending paper works that requires re-works and completion.
[2] Assignment of paper paper works to NSL members for target journal re-submission.
[3] Re-work of a few more papers for re-submission.

Monthly Goals

[1] Adapting to all essential simulation and NS Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] Working with NSL members for R&D project works

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting to at-least two/three international conference/Journal paper each.
[2] Submitting as many domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools