

4월 20, 2020 - 4월 26, 2020


Application of Deep Convolution Neural Network in Edge Computing for IIoT

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Completed Training Session
-Read research papers
Paper1: Towards Edge based Deep learning in Industrial Internet of Things
-an edge computing base deep learning model to offload computation tasks
Paper2: SurfCNN: A Descriptor Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for Image-Based Indoor
-Comparision of image input with using image descriptor
-Read basics for learning Edge computing
-learning Convolutional Neural Network

This Week Todo's

-Start writing abstract and Introduction for short journal
-Read research papers
Paper1: Mobile Edge Computing based Hierarchical Machine Learning Tasks distribution for IIoT
Paper2: Enabling Edge Intelligence for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes
-learn Machine learning to gather more knowledge and apply in research paper

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Attended presentation meeting with team
-Read research papers
paper1: A New Layered Architecture for Future Big Data-Driven Smart Homes
-a brief discussion about setting up an architecture for smart homes
paper2: Choice of Application Layer Protocols for Next Generation Video Surveillance Using Internet of
Video Things
-shows a comparision among different protocols for smart homes

This Week's Project

-Attending presentation on MQTT and Middleware in meeting as a team member
-Read research papers
paper1: Application Layer Protocols for the Internet of Things: A survey
-Working on hardware testbed implemention for project

Monthly Goals

-Write abstract and introduction for research paper
-Gather more knowledge on Machine Learning and Deep Convolution Neural network
-Hardware Implemention for IoT application for smart home
-Testing manually and note down results

Annual Goals

-Try to finish a research paper and attend an International Conference
-Attend a Domestic Conference