Paper research Title 1:
Enhanced Faulty Node Detection using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed System (Journal of Communication and Networks) (S) (Status: ED immediate Decision)
Title 2:
Deep-reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Optimization in Edge-based Traffic Control System
(Summer Intensive) (Rejected: ELSEVIER Future Generation Computer Systems) --> In revision (Target journal: ELSEVIER Computer and Electricals Engineering)
Title 3:
UAV-assisted Real-time Data Processing using Deep Q-Network for Industrial Internet of Things(ICAIIC) (S)
Title 4: Edge Computing Enabled Traffic Prediction using Fraction of Connected Vehicle (Winter Intensive)
Title 2:
Revised the related work.
Added simulation results, which are accuracy and delay time of TLCS.
Added sentences that the result can be used in the real environment.
Title 4:
- Edited the introduction.
- Added more references.
- Added one figure of speed of mobility vehicles to the edge node and explanation of the figure.
Title 2:
- Reduce the explanation of the traffic light system.
- Add more explanation of traffic light system optimization using deep reinforcement learning.
- Check and correct the whole section before submitting it.
Title 4:
- Add comparison result.
- Finish the performance evaluation and conclusion.
- Edit the introduction and recheck the overall contents.
Project 1: 3D printing, Project 2: Website management
Project 1:
made a connection between server and client application through python OPC UA.
Project 2:
Added some contents of the international conference on the new website.
Project 1:
Study and implement the OPC UA that available in the LabView.
Project 2:
Added some contents of the international conference on the new website.
Make and Simulate the road network using SUMO that integrated with OMNET++.
-Able to write at least one in a domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in international conference and journal.