

4월 20, 2020 - 4월 26, 2020


Title 1: Improved Deep learning-based CSI Matrix Reconstruction for Massive MIMO Communication System (IEEE Communication Latter (rejected))

Title 2: Super-Resolution for CSI Reconstruction Based on Improved Autoencoder in Massive MIMO Communication System

Title 3: Knowledge Transfer of Super-Resolution for CSI Reconstruction in MIMO System

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Super-Resolution for CSI Reconstruction Based on Improved Autoencoder in Massive MIMO Communication System

- Revised proposed system
- Edited system model section
- Edited performance evaluation
- Improved simulation results
- Edited figure 3 and table 1

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Super-Resolution for CSI Reconstruction Based on Improved Autoencoder in Massive MIMO Communication System

- Grammatically check
- Finalize the paper

Title 3: Knowledge Transfer of Super-Resolution for CSI Reconstruction in MIMO System

- conduct the simulation

Project Progress

3D printing

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

install OPC-OA in python

This Week's Project

learn OPC-OA connected with LabVIEW

Monthly Goals

- Able to make the simulate the Tensorflow

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal