Title 1 :
Faulty Node Detection Scheme in Wireless HART using n-Bits BCH Code (ictc express journal)
Title 2 :
Real-Time Embedded data anomaly framework using online machine learning scheme (Manufacturing Letter)
Title 1 :
- changed paper to ictc express journal format
- revised grammar
Title 2 :
- Made a flow chart system
- Added comparison algorithm
- Added references
- Added figure ( comparison accurasi, offline learning, and online learning)
Title 1 :
- discuss with prof. lee
- submit paper to ictc express journal
Title 2 :
- Revising and fixing the text
- Adding references
- Adding comparison algorithm
- discuss with prof. lee
Project 1: Website responsibility (International Journal), Project 2: Hanhwa System
Project 1 :
Check the paper list format and correct the typo
Project 2:
survey paper about data recovery
Project 1 :
Check the paper list format and correct the typo
Project 2:
Splitting the dataset into several batches
- resubmit title 1
- submit title 2
- understanding machine learning - transfer learning
Able to write and submit at least one journal