A Descriptor Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for activity recognition of Smart Home
-Read papers to start writing paper
Paper1: SurfCNN: A Descriptor Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for Image-Based Indoor
-A CNN with image descriptor for image based Indoor localization
Paper2: Towards edge based Deep learning in Industrial Internet of Things
-Utilizing Digital twin and edge computing tom offload the computation task and reduce network traffic
-Start learning basic Machine learning
-Trying to working MATLAB in terms with machine learning
-Trying to learn about Convolutional Neural Network
-have written an abstract for paper
-Read papers to know better
Paper1: Survey On Applications Of Internet Of Things Using Machine Learning
Paper2: Distributed Edge Cloud R-CNN for Real Time Object Detection
-have written Introduction of research paper
-Trying to get more idea applying machine learning
IoT Application for Smart Home
-Read some papers
Paper1: A New Layered Architecture for Future Big Data-Driven Smart Homes
-an improved architecture has been developed to reduce data transmission in cloud computing and
activate sensors
Paper2: Choice of Application Layer Protocols for Next Generation Video Surveillance Using Internet of
Video Things
-A brief discussion about deployed a network-adaptive transmission protocol with adaptive packet frame
grouping (APFG), adaptive quantization to maximize the quality-of-experience(QoE).
-Trying to implement a hardware system model
-Choosing MQTT protocol for project
-Read some papers
Paper1: A Smart Home Energy Management System Using IoT and Big Data Analytics Approach
Paper2:โSmartโ Is Not Free: Energy Consumption of Consumer Home Automation Systems
-Applying a hardware model using Raspberry pi 3 model B, humidity and temperature sensor, motion sensor
-Attending weekly meeting
-Finishing research paper and submit for ICTC conference
-Implementing Hardware system model properly and collect data
-Try to learn Machine language and its applications
-Try to get to know and work in Matlab
-Attending a domestic conference
-Try to complete a short journal paper