

5월 11, 2020 - 5월 17, 2020


A Descriptor Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for activity recognition of Smart Home

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Read papers to gather knowledge
Paper1: IoT-KEEPER: Detecting Malicious IoT Network Activity Using Online Traffic Analysis at the Edge
-A lightweight system detecting malicious activity from edge network and preventing attacks on other
Paper2: SurfCNN: A Descriptor Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for Image-Based Indoor
-An image descriptor with convolutional Neural Network for compressing image data and improves data
-Finished seminar presentation

This Week Todo's

-Read paper for ICTC conference
paper1: A Smart Home Energy Management System Using IoT and Big Data Analytics Approach
-Energy management system for smart home and monitoring energy consumption using data input for bigdata
paper2: Smart’ Is Not Free: Energy Consumption of Consumer Home Automation Systems
-A brief discussion of energy consumption of big countries and comparison in energy consumption basics
-Write abstract and Introduction for conference

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Attending weekly meeting and presenting improvements of project
-Read some papers
Paper1: A Smart Home Energy Management System Using IoT and Big Data Analytics Approach
- A smart metering system for energy consumption and collecting data for big data approach
Paper2:‘Smart’ Is Not Free: Energy Consumption of Consumer Home Automation Systems
- A brief discussion of energy consumption of big countries and comparison in energy consumption basics
-Trying to gather ideas on hardware components for project

This Week's Project

-Hardware setup of testbed
-Trying to collect data from hardware implementation
-Focusing on energy consumption of components and collect information

Monthly Goals

-Complete paper for upcoming ICTC conference
-Gather more knowledge for Machine learning

Annual Goals

-Try to publish paper on ICTC conference
-Complete a short journal paper
-Participate on International and Domestic conference