Attack Detection in Fog Layer for IIoT Based on Machine Learning Approach
- Research for more references
- Start writing section 2(related works)
- Compare some previous works
- Continue paper writing
- Continue writing realted works
- Start simulation in python by using Pycharm/Jupiter Notebook
- Gathering datasets references in GitHub
- Running the program
Capstone Design: IoT Application for Smart Home
- Prepare new concept of Smart home as Prof.Lee requested
- Adjust previous concept with new one
- Gather more information regarding new concept
- Prepare testbed for new concept with the existing devices
- Gather more information for hardware set up
- Find references for new implementation
- Focus for machine learning proses with CNN algorithms
- Prepare new concept of Smart home as Prof.Lee requested
- Adjust previous concept with new one
- Gather more information regarding new concept
- Prepare testbed for new concept with the existing devices
- Publish 1 short-paper/journal
- Participate in local/international conference