

5월 18, 2020 - 5월 24, 2020


Title 3: Efficient UAV Deployment Strategy for Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol using Monarch Butterfly Optimization Algorithm

- Target Journal: IET Communications Journal

Title 4: Escalating Localization Accuracy using DV based Positioning in Indoor Industrial Environment

- ICTC 2020

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3: Efficient UAV Deployment Strategy for Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol using Monarch Butterfly Optimization Algorithm

- Change some related works, and focus more on papers that uses genetic algorithm as their optimization tool.
- Update the equations used as constraints

Title 4: Maximizing Localization Accuracy using DV based Positioning in Indoor Industrial Environment

- Start writing the introduction and start simulating in MATLAB

This Week Todo's

Title 3: Efficient UAV Deployment Strategy for Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol using Monarch Butterfly Optimization Algorithm

- Write the pseudo code in the paper and add equations for the paper.
- Finalize the simulation result

Title 4: Maximizing Localization Accuracy using DV based Positioning in Indoor Industrial Environment

- Finish the simulation code

Project Progress

3D Printing Monitoring Development

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Combine all the SubVI of the program and present the report in Capstone class.

This Week's Project

- Debug the program and fix the delay time

Monthly Goals

- Finish the Winter intensive simulation and paper.
- Meet the deadline for the Laboratory Project

Annual Goals

- Write two SCI journals
- Submit a paper on (1) International (1) Domestic conference paper
- Finish the 3D project