

5월 25, 2020 - 5월 31, 2020


Title 1 :
Real-Time Embedded data anomaly framework using online machine learning scheme (ICT Express)

Title 2 :
Time-Series Data Anomaly Detection using Online Learning Approach (Graduation thesis)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

title 1 :
submit paper to ICT express journal (May 20, 2020)

title 2:
- finish the proposed system section
- Change and adding more in introduction section
- Add figure of block diagram, flow of online machine learning, time sequence diagram
- Add performance analysis of Accuracy comparison, testing process of all algorithm, multi-phase of online machine learning
- Add references (5 references).

This Week Todo's

title 1 :
submit paper to ICT express journal (May 20, 2020)
status : with editor

title 2:
- Adding more in each section to fulfill the requirement of thesis book
- Adding performance evaluation including confusion matrix, computation time
- Enhance the simulation part and try implement to jetson nano
- Finishing the book by the end of this week

Project Progress

Project 1: Machine Vision based 3D printer Inspector in Large-Scale Manufacturing Environment | Project 2: Mutipurpose Anti-Drone System with Convergence Technologies

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 2:
1. Paper Survey

This Week's Project

Project 2:
1. Paper Survey

Monthly Goals

1. Continue learning simulation tools
2. Continue learning MATLAB
3. Deep Network Designer

Annual Goals

1. Journal paper
2. International and Domestic Conferences
3. Learn about Machine Learning & Deep Learning