

6월 8, 2020 - 6월 14, 2020


Title 1 :
Real-Time Embedded data anomaly framework using online machine learning scheme (ICT express)

title 2:
Time-Series Data Anomaly Detection using Online Learning Approach(graduation thesis)

title 3:
Detecting Data Anomalies using Convolutional Neural Network in IWSN(KICS 2020)

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1 :
- submit paper to ict express journal (may 20, 2020)
- status : with editor

title 2:
- Change the structure of the book.
- Add table of processing time in inference process
- Add display of real-time data prediction
- Make references to 50 references.
- Finish the real time classification based on sensor data.
- Finish the book and the ppt presentation.
- Do plagiarism check in copy killer website.

This Week Todo's

title 1 :
- submit paper to ict express journal (may 20, 2020)
- status : with editor

Title 2
- Do the revision from all the committees.
- Prepare for the journal submission.

title 3:
- Start making the system design.

Project Progress

Project 1: Website responsibility (International Journal), Project 2: Hanhwa System

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1 :
Check the paper list format and correct the typo

Project 2:
survey paper about data recovery

This Week's Project

Project 1 :
Check the paper list format and correct the typo

Project 2:
Splitting the dataset into several batches

Monthly Goals

- Finish thesis book
- understanding machine learning
- transfer learning

Annual Goals

Able to write and submit at least one journal