

6월 8, 2020 - 6월 14, 2020


[1] Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring Platforms for Preventing Wild Animal
Target : Journal of KICS

[2] Design and Performance Evaluation for Navy Vessel Engine DCNN-based Fault Detection System
(Graduation Thesis)

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring Platforms for Preventing Wild Animal
- Ready for Submit the paper

[2] Design and Performance Evaluation for Navy Vessel Engine DCNN-based Fault Detection System(graduation thesis)
- My graduation thesis presentation

This Week Todo's

[1] Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring Platforms for Preventing Wild Animal
- Ready for Submit the paper

[2] Design and Performance Evaluation for Navy Vessel Engine DCNN-based Fault Detection System(graduation thesis)
- Will be a new simulations using the data values.
- Modify Engine system flowchart

Project Progress

Priority Project

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

Priority Project(Remaining Useful Life using statistics)
- Received data about interpretation of statistics from Dr. Ahn.

This Week's Project

Priority Project(Remaining Useful Life using statistics)
- Study algorithms according to time changes in statistics.

Monthly Goals

Finish graduation thesis

Annual Goals

Domestic journal submission