Title 1
Secure M2M Communication of Industrial IoT using Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) with Blockchain
IET Electronics Letters (Winter Intensive)
Title 2
Blockchain over MMS (BoM) for Secure IIoT
For Graduation Thesis
Blockchain Structure-based Distributed Database with Encrypted Data using AES-GCM for IIoT
KICS Summer Conference
Title 1
- Rejected because out of scope. (May 05, 2020)
- Find another suitable letter.
- Prepare the IET Electronics Letters format.
Title 2
- Change the structure of the book, move the brief explanation to Section3 : General Overview.
- Combine all accuracy results of the previous paper and the proposed system into one graph.
- Combine all loss results of the previous paper and the proposed system into one graph.
- Add figure 5.14 about the explanation of client accessing time.
- Add result of gas used based on the number of payloads in bytes.
- Make references to 50 references.
- Finish the real time classification based on sensor data.
- Finish the book and the ppt presentation.
- Do plagiarism check in copykiller website.
Title 3
- Start making the system design.
Title 1
- Rejected because out of scope. (May 05, 2020)
- Find another suitable letter.
- Prepare the IET Electronics Letters format.
- Discuss with Prof. Kim and Prof. Lee, and submit the journal.
Title 2
- Change the thesis's title.
- Do the revision from all the committees.
- Prepare for the journal submission.
Title 3
- Start coding for the simulation in the Jetson Nano board.
- Change the title.
MMS for Industrial IoT, E-WAMS: Edge Computing-based Wild Animal Monitoring System (Capstone Design Class), 3D Printing Conception Company, and International Conference Section
- Finish the winter intensive and submit the chosen journal.
- Use 1D CNN for real-time event classification.
- Combine MMS over BC to increase data security.
- Successfully connect the sensor (Arduino) to LabView through serial communication.
- Use the OPCUA Labview library.
- Make a good UI consists of many sensors and the connection status of the 3D Printing.
- Able to submit and take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to submit and take a part in at least one International Conference and Journal.