

6월 8, 2020 - 6월 14, 2020


[1] Design of UAV and Smart Buoy for Edge Computing based Border Intrusion Detection Systems
[엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 국경 침입 감지 시스템을 위한 UAV 및 스마트 부표 설계]

[2] Design and Performance Analysis of Digital Forensics based on Machine Learning For Mobile Device Identify
[모바일 디바이스 검출을 위한 머신러닝 기반 디지털 포렌식 기법 설계 및 성능 분석]

[3] Aircraft Wireless Sensors Network Based on Edge AI

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[3] Aircraft Wireless Sensors Network Based on Edge AI
- Study on Cloud computing with Aircraft Sensors.

This Week Todo's

[3] Aircraft Wireless Sensors Network Based on Edge AI
- Search Reference about Cloud computing with Aircraft Sensors.

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military & Design and Implement the Efficient drone deployment scheme for disaster area reconnaissance and rescue system

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military
- Try to human detecting with video streaming
- Find and study on how to use security device

2. Design and Implement the Efficient drone deployment scheme for disaster area reconnaissance and rescue system
- Try to build up the android studio environment for rescue system

This Week's Project

1. Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military
- Try to human detecting with video streaming
- Build up UAV with another channel

2. Design and Implement the Efficient drone deployment scheme for disaster area reconnaissance and rescue system
- Make the android studio application for rescue system

Monthly Goals

- Research and write my own paper
- Study on simulator for performance evaluation

Annual Goals

- Try to submit a international conference