

June 8, 2020 - June 14, 2020


Title 1: Fire Disaster Notification Management (FDNM) for Military Storage and Supply Operation Centers
Published: ICTC 2019

Title 2: Delay-aware Computation Offloading Based-on Task Segmentation for IIoT System
Published: KICS fall 2019

Title 3: Optimal Relay Selection Scheme for Mobile-Fog Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems.
Target: Not fixed

Title 4: Sparsely-Connected CNN for Efficient Automatic Modulation Recognition
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Title 5: Multi-shuffled Convolutional Blocks for Low-complex Modulation Recognition in IoT
Target: ICTC 2020

Title 6: Data Pre-processing Techniques Towards Low-complex Deep learning Signal Sensing in IoT
Target: KICS summer 2020

67% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4
[1].Corrected writing mistakes based on the comments from Dr. Thien
[2].Readability check

Title 5
[1].Literature review on signal sensing in IoT applications.
[2].Investigated the feasibility of the conceptualized approach.
[3].Draft of the abstract.

Title 6
[1].Literature review on the data pre-processing techniques.

This Week Todo's

Title 4
[1].Waiting for the comments from Dr.Thien.
[2].Modify the manuscript based on the comments.
[2].Discuss with Professor after fixing all the mistakes.

Title 5
[1].Start the introduction
[2].Design the architecture

Title 6
[1].Start the abstract
[2].Start the introduction

Project Progress


66% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1].Started the training of the architecture.
[2].Dataset pre-processing challenges.

This Week's Project

[1].Fine-tuning the model hyper-parameters
[2].Preparation of final semester presentation

Monthly Goals

[1]. Master MATLAB communication, deep learning, and optimization toolboxes.
[2]. Submit the winter intensive paper.
[3]. Finish ICTC paper.

Annual Goals

[1]. To submit at least one paper to SCI journal
[2]. Attend international and domestic conferences recommended by NSL
[3]. Acquiring knowledge and skills of NSL technical tools