

6월 15, 2020 - 6월 21, 2020


[1] Redundancy Transmission Scheme for Real-time Network of Naval Combat System
Target : Journal of KICS

[2] DDS-based Blockchain Scheme for Real-time Performance of Distributed Systems
Target : Journal of KICS

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Redundancy Transmission Scheme for Real-time Network of Naval Combat System
- Revise the paper refer comments

[2] DDS-based Blockchain Scheme for Real-time Performance of Distributed Systems
- Study NS-3 for simulation about PBFT consensus algorithm and proposed scheme
- Implement PBFT consensus algorithm using NS-3 in UDP environment

This Week Todo's

[1] Redundancy Transmission Scheme for Real-time Network of Naval Combat System
- Revise the paper refer comments

[2] DDS-based Blockchain Scheme for Real-time Performance of Distributed Systems
- Study NS-3 for simulation about PBFT consensus algorithm and proposed scheme
- Design PBFT consensus algorithm using NS-3 in TCP environment

Project Progress

Advanced Research, ITRC

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Study NS-3 for simulation
- Implement PBFT consensus algorithm using NS-3 in UDP environment

This Week's Project

- Study NS-3 for simulation
- Design PBFT consensus algorithm using NS-3 in TCP environment

Monthly Goals

[1] Design and simulation a PBFT-app class for simulation

Annual Goals

[1] Submit the paper and survey another paper topic