

6월 22, 2020 - 6월 28, 2020


Williams Paul

Title 1:
Characterizing a Hybrid MIMO-Ultrawideband RF with Joint Relaying for Industrial WU-RSNs. (Winter-Intensive).

Title 2:

Title 3:
Real-time Remodeling of Unrecoverable Critical-Data in MIL-STD-1553 Avionic Network for Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT). (2020 IEEE-ICTC Conference).

Title 4:
Novel Auto-Discovery-DDS Scheme for Large-scale Distributed Collaborative Simulation (Short Journal).

Title 5:
Open Issues for Industrial Deployment of Next Generation Combat UAVs (KICS Summer Conference).

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1]. Reworking was completed.
[2]. Paper was rejected (OUT OF SCOPE).

Title 2:
[1]. Dissertation defense and evaluation was successfully done on 4th June.
[2]. Discussed with all committee members (via email) and have got some recommendations from them.
[3]. Continuous consultation with other Committee members in-progress.
[4]. To be updated on KIT 'dCollection program platform
[5]. To carry-out further necessary steps as instructed by the School management.

Title 3:
[1]. Fine-tuned the paper for readability issues.
[2]. Will seek submission-approval from Prof. Kim until the end of this week.

Title 4:
[1]. Temporarily suspended in-order to concentrate on my THESIS/DISSERTATION.

NSL Activities:
[1]. Re-visiting the NSL website and updating the papers and website information.
[2]. Training of New NSL members and re-training of the existing NSL members.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1]. Paper submission to IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems was completed.
[2]. Paper is currently under peer-to-peer review.
[2]. Awaiting peer review comments.

Title 2:
[1]. Dissertation defense and evaluation was successfully done on 4th June.
[2]. To be updated on KIT 'dCollection program platform
[3]. To carry-out further necessary steps as instructed by the School management.

Title 3:
[1]. Fine-tuned the paper for readability issues.
[2]. Will seek submission-approval from Prof. Kim until the end of this week.

Title 4:
[1]. Revising the paper's readability issues.
[2]. Working on the system model and proposed techniques.
[3]. Commencing Simulation works.

Title 5:
[1]. Revising the paper's readability issues.
[2]. Working on the system model and proposed techniques.
[3]. Commencing Simulation works.

NSL Activities:
[1]. Re-visiting the NSL website and updating the papers and website information.
[2]. Training of New NSL members and re-training of the existing NSL members.

Project Progress

E-WAMS (W-MERCI EXTENSION) and Team Leadership works

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1]. To email the Teams in Nigeria (FUTA) and Uganda (MUSB) and share the files with them.
[2]. To commence requirement analysis for the purpose of project deployment as suggested by Prof. Lee.
[3]. To also facilitate formation of teams and co-working with them based on their requirement analysis.

Team Leadership works:
[1] Continuous investigations on the pending paper works that requires re-works and completion.
[2] Assignment of paper paper works to NSL members for target journal re-submission.
[3] Re-work of a few more papers for re-submission.

This Week's Project

[1]. We are waiting the signed documents from Uganda (MUSB).
[2]. To commence requirement analysis for the purpose of project deployment as soon as documents are received.
[3]. Yet to receive the written proposal documents for the project from Prof. Lee as promised.

Team Leadership works:
[1] Continuous investigations on the pending paper works that requires re-works and completion.
[2] Assignment of paper paper works to NSL members for target journal re-submission.
[3] Re-work of a few more papers for re-submission.

Monthly Goals

[1] Submitting to at-least two/three international conference/Journal paper each.
[2] Submitting as many domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting to at-least two/three international conference/Journal paper each.
[2] Submitting as many domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools