

7월 6, 2020 - 7월 12, 2020


Title 01:RF signal based drone identification and mode detection using deep convolution neural network
Target : Summer intensive_2020

Title 02: RFDOANet: DOA Estimation of RF signal for UAV Localization based on Residual CNN.
Target : IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

Title 03: Residual Convolution Neural Network for Drone Detection and Identification using RF Signal.
Target : ICTC-2020

Title 04: Low Latency and Reliability Issue of IWSN.
Target : KICS Summer-2020

Title 05: Low Latency and Energy Efficient Trickle Algorithm for Low Power Lossy Network in Wireless Sensor Network.
Target : IEEE wireless Communications letter

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 02:
- Change the section of proposed CNN model as reviewer comments.
- Modify the signal model section considering reviewer asking.

Title 03:
- Write the abstract section.
- Write the introduction section.

Title 01:
- Tring to preprocess the dataset.
- Having the problem to separate noise from the signal data.

This Week Todo's

Title 02:
- Modify the introduction section.
- Add the simulation parameter description table.
-Revise the proposed CNN model and the signal model.
- Change the NLA vs ULA simulation graph and do simulation in terms of RMSE.

Title 03:
- Write the proposed system model.
- Write the result discussion section.

Title 01:
- Fix the problem of data preprocessing and generate the dataset to train the cnn model
- Design own CNN model for mode detection of drone.

Project Progress

Anti-drone project

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Drone mode detection and Identification [Target]

- Study about the related work

- In the stage of data preprocessing.

-Have submitted one proposal about our own model to prof. Lee.

This Week's Project

- Drone mode detection and Identification [Target]

- Fix the problem of data preprocessing.

- Compile the system CNN model for verification.

Monthly Goals

-Learn MATLAB, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, Python.

- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal

Annual Goals

At-least two SCI journal paper.

-At-least two International Conference